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Sons of Light

There is a group of people that God is raising and this are the SONS OF LIGHT. This is not something that is new, God has already completed His work in the spirit and what we see is His manifestations.

“The entrance of thy words giveth light; It giveth understanding unto the simple.” Psalm‬ ‭119‬:‭130‬ ‭KJV‬‬

This means spiritual paths must be understood before they are walked. You might not know your tomorrow but you must know what you are part of before you start it. The entrance of God’s word will give light to your assignment.

Though everything in the spirit has been orchestrated until it is released from the mouth of God it just remains as a thought. Genesis 1:3, The light existed in God’s thoughts before He spoke it. As long as you are not saying anything whatever you think will just exist in the realm of thought. You will know which path God wants you to take only when His word is spoken.

You must understand that God doesn’t bring light, He is the Light, He doesn’t bring understanding, he is the Understanding. He doesn’t bring the word as He Himself is the Word. If God is the word, light and understanding and you are born of God then you do not have to wait for a church service but you should minister the word to yourself. Without the word you can be crying for the things that were already released to you but the word will open your eyes just like Hagar (Genesis 21:19).

When prophecy comes, it reveals, it bring light. Jesus Himself is the Light and we are sons of Light. What kept Joseph going was the word and the same will keep you going. We are children of light and the more word in you, the more light in us. Your life is already orchestrated all you need is light. When you go about your daily life, attending your business meetings or interviews, enter knowing that you are a son of light.


1. TIME. God can not do anything beautiful outside of time.
2. LOCATION. God reveals Himself in a place and time.
3. PEOPLE. Every season is connected to somebody. Whenever God wants to take you from one level to the next he sends somebody. The ability to see a person God sends as a season will determine whether you walk in His perfect will.


The light of God has rested upon you. You are blessed in the city and you are blessed in the field. You are growing in favor with man and in favor with God. Let there be light in your life, academics, family, business, finances, calling and every area of your life. The grace of God in your life shall not be in vain. God is raising you as a son of Light


  • Nosipho Uenice Madonna fukuse
    Posted September 10, 2023 at 1:45 pm

    Your massages and power is felt all over Sir thanks for such great impart in my life iv never meet such but iv always desided😭😭😭😭✨🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • lilian annet
    Posted November 28, 2023 at 7:37 pm

    man of god, thank you for feeding me personally with the word of god. i have been pulled by the message from you. although l have been a Christian for along time but when i started to listen to you on you tube i was like l have not been doing what Christians do. please l cannot explain by writing ,can i ask for 1 to 1 meeting because what l have to share is personal and i thought it would be a blessing sharing with you. may god bless you as you respond to me. am based in UK and my no is 07860249482

  • lilian annet
    Posted November 28, 2023 at 7:39 pm

    god bless you man of god

  • Didier Elioref
    Posted May 12, 2024 at 3:41 am

    Commit your way to the Lord;
    trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass. (psalms 37.5) amen selah
    Delight yourself in the Lord,
    and He will give you the desires of your heart. (psalms 37.4) amen selah

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